Sunday, July 28, 2024

What Will Be?


Every week when Shabbat ends, I look at the media, hoping and praying for good news. Maybe another hostage rescue. Perhaps a total surrender of Hamas. In my imagination anything is possible.

Last night, sadly, I was not greeted with good news, rather disastrous news. A dozen CHILDREN were murdered by a Hezbollah rocket in Majdal Shams, a Druze village in northern Israel. Hezbollah denies that they fired this rocket, but they do admit to firing missiles into Israel. Besides, who else would fire an Iranian-made weapon? Just last month Hezbollah launched an UAV attack on a soccer field in Hurfeish, another Druze town, and at least eleven were wounded.

The Druzim are not Jewish, but they are loyal citizens of Israel. Every one of my sons served in the army with, or even under the orders of, Druzim. As Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu stated this morning they are part of the Am Yisroel and we feel their pain.

Not only do we feel their pain, but we also have a responsibility to protect them. I’m on tenterhooks, concerned what the next stage in this war will bring. No one has any definitive answers, and I can only turn to The Almighty and beg for His protection for all of us.

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