Friday, July 26, 2024

Why I Don’t Believe in the Two-State “Solution”


For starters I have never understood why Israel is the country that is supposed to give up part of its measly 8630 square miles for a PA state. Why can’t one of the 22 Arab countries give up some of their land mass? Please don’t tell me it’s because of the Arab’s connection to the land here. Many only came after Israel brought electricity and water to the region.

Don’t forget this was tried before. In 2005 Gaza was made Judenrein in the bid for peace by giving Arabs their own land. We all know how well that worked out. Why would we want another terror state in the midst of us?

No matter how much we may wish it, the PA is not a peace partner. Just this week they demanded the IOC ban Israel from the Olympics. They’ve also petitioned FIFA to ban Israel. With friends like this who needs enemies???

Since October 7th most Israelis think that establishing a PA state in our midst would be seen as a prize for murdering, raping, beheading, and kidnapping us. Talk about encouraging more pogroms…

I would like to be able to present my peace plan, but sadly I don’t have one. My goal is for me and my people to survive. In the meantime, I pray for a miracle.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Kamala Harris


As an American living in Israel, Kamala Harris's statement from her interview with Joan Walsh, published in The Nation on July 8th, has me concerned.

They are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza. There are things some of the protesters are saying that I absolutely reject, so I don’t mean to wholesale endorse their points. But we have to navigate it. I understand the emotion behind it.”

Exactly what does she endorse? Denying October 7th happened? Calls for an Intifada to wipe Israel off the map? Tearing down the posters of kidnapped children? Supporting Hamas?

My prayer is a candidate with more understanding of what is happening In Israel will be chosen at the Democratic convention.  No matter what, though, I know that I should not be looking at the USA or UN or EU for help. Rather, I should be focusing my prayers and hopes on The Almighty.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

We Won't Run Away

 Yesterday evening I received a cryptic message from my youngest son who lives in the Golan. We’re okay. It had been a while since I’d checked the news, but I didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand things were not good in the north. Not wasting my time looking at the internet I called my son.

“Lots of rockets?” I asked.
“There’s always rockets,” he answered. “This time two people were killed. “
He had no more information for me, assured me he and his family were okay, and we told each other, “I love you”.
He’s come home from Gaza to have rockets on his doorstep. A while back we suggested that maybe he should bring his family to a “safer” location. His answer: My parents taught me not to run away.
He’s right. We have only one tiny country and if we start abandoning parts of it what will be left. Besides, who’s to say where will be safer tomorrow.
After talking to him I did check the news. Forty rockets had been fired at northern Israel and two killed. Today it was announced the murdered were Noa and Nir Barnes, pictured here, from Kibbutz Ortal. They leave behind three children. May their family and loved ones be comforted among the mourners of Zion.

Friday, June 14, 2024


 “You’re so brave”. That’s the reaction I got over and over when I told people I’d gone to Katzrin for the holiday of Shavuot. Why did they think I was so courageous? Because Katzrin is in the Golan, not far from Israel’s northern borders with both Syria and Lebanon and they’ve been under attack. Ten days earlier a rocket landed near my children’s home igniting a fire and forcing them to flee until the blaze was under control and the smoke settled down. Thankfully, there was no extensive damage, except to the wildlife. When we arrived Tuesday, we could still smell the residue.

There were no attacks while we were in Katzrin, but there were yesterday. My son and his family spent about two hours in the bomb shelter. Two people were injured. Today there is still smoke in the air.
The obvious questions are why we visited Katzrin and what makes our children stay there. To me, the answers are just as obvious as the questions. We visited Katzrin because our son, who fought for months defending the Jewish people, invited us. They stay there because that is their home. Besides, where would they run to?
In America whole neighborhoods have been abandoned, deemed unsafe, and the residents move to greener pastures. Israel is a very small country. One can transverse its width by foot in less than 36 hours. Where is it safe to run?
The whole country is on the front lines and we’re all soldiers whether in uniform or not. We fight with guns, we fight with prayers, we fight following the ways of the Torah. The Almighty has kept us alive for thousands of years. He will not stop now. Am Yisrael Chai!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Miracle

 For 246 days I’ve been praying for the safe release of Noa Bat Sara and all the other captives. Yesterday my prayers were partially answered when the IDF miraculously rescued her and three other hostages. Tragically, Arnon Zamora, the Yamam commander, was killed in the mission. May his loved ones be comforted, and the Almighty avenge his heroic death.

There are those who have said none of the hostages are still alive. Thankfully, they were proven wrong. Yesterday’s rescue gives us hope for Avinatan Ben Ditza Tirza and all the others. Keep praying. Please!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

No Apologies

 Fifty-seven years ago, a coalition of Arab states attacked Israel hoping to annihilate us. They did not. Instead, we doubled our size and regained control of many of our holy sites. Last night there were special prayers marking the occasion across the country. This morning hundreds prayed at the Kotel thanking the Almighty for the miracle of being there. In the afternoon celebrations will continue with the annual Flag March. We did not start the Six Day War and we will not apologize for winning it.

Eight months ago, Hamas, with the backing of Iran and various other Arab states, brutally attacked us. We are still embroiled in a war that, again, we did not start, but which we will see to the finish. And once it is over we will not apologize for winning.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Please HaShem!


My youngest son called me this afternoon. He’s out of Gaza and in another week or so should be out of uniform. Until the next time which, sadly, will probably be sooner than later. It took a while for his news to sink in. Once it did, I shed tears of happiness. It didn’t take long, though, for those tears to turn bitter as I thought of all the mothers whose children will never be coming home and those who are waiting and waiting for theirs. After some maudlin moments I directed my tears to prayer. May the Almighty let us help Him to destroy evil completely and bring true peace. Please HaShem NOW!