Sunday, February 11, 2024

A Major Miracle


This picture hung on my grandparents’ wall for most of their married life, first in Germany and then in America. Now it hangs on mine in Israel. As an adult, I wonder what they thought when they looked at the Kotel. Did they ever envision going there themselves or was that a pipedream too extraordinary to even visualize? Could they ever have imagined they would have a granddaughter who would be able to pray there?

This past Friday morning my husband and I made the drive to Jerusalem. Thankful for our car, the full tank of gas, smooth traffic, and a good parking place, we met most of our children and their families at the Kotel. We were three generations together celebrating our almost-thirteen-year-old grandson putting on tefillin for the first time.

I’m sure my grandparents would have considered it a major miracle. I know I do. And I know that the Almighty is making miracles every day. He will continue to do so until the most major miracles of all- the defeat of evil and the rebuilding of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. May that come speedily, along with the return of the hostages, the soldiers, the injured, and the evacuees, all safe in body and in spirit.

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