Monday, February 12, 2024



Two hostages were rescued last night, and I should be ecstatic but… Two soldiers were killed yesterday in an unrelated activity. More than one hundred Israelis remain in captivity, including my children’s friend, Avinatan Or. He is in my prayers daily, several times a day, along with his girlfriend, Noa Argamani, and the adorable children, Kfir and Ariel Bibas, and their mother, Shiri.

There was conjecture last week that one-third of the captives have been killed. I refuse to believe that until it’s a proven fact, but the suspicion creeps into my prayers and thoughts when I least want it to. Two names of prisoners who were indeed murdered were released the last few days.

Our army is poised to invade Rafah and the world is asking us for restraint. There would be no need for restraint if the hostages were released and Hamas would commit itself to end the rocket fire on us. Will that ever happen? Will they ever accept that we have a right to exist?

Yesterday, I wrote I know the Almighty is making miracles every day. Yesterday He miraculously freed Frenando Simon Herman and Louis Norbeto who seem to be in good shape. I am grateful, but I want more. Please! Bring them all home. The Captives. The soldiers. The Injured. The Evacuees. Please bring us true peace. Please!

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