Friday, November 29, 2019


Instead of wasting time and energy on symposiums trying to understand why there’s such a rise in anti-Semitism we should try looking at this week’s Torah portion. There it plainly states that Esav hates Yaakov because of the blessing Yaacov received from Yitzhak, their father (chapter 27, verse 41).  In the previous verse Yitzhak tells Esav that Yaacov’s descendants will be subservient to Esav’s offspring whenever Yaacov’s don’t act properly. And how are we supposed to act properly?

The Torah, the divine rule book, is full of guidelines for life but the directions don’t end with the five books of Moses. There are more suggestions from the Prophets. Micah (chapter 6, verse 8) tells us that G-d requires us to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with G-d. In the Saying of Our Fathers (chapter 1, verse 2) we’re taught that the world rests on three principles: Torah study, service to G-d, and kind deeds. Verse 18 paraphrases these three as justice, truth, and peace.

These are just a tiny taste of the abundant wisdom offered to us from our learned rabbis. Although it sounds simplistic I believe, with all my heart, that the way to beat the hatred to our race is to be better Jews. To be as careful about the laws between G-d and man as we are about the laws between us and G-d. If we can begin to do this we won’t need any more conferences about anti-Semitism.  We’ll be able to overcome the hate.

My novel, Growing With My Cousin, a good winter read, is available at Jewish bookstores and on line at or

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