Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The 9th of Av in Israel


There are about five hours left to the fast, four fifths of it are behind us and Iran, despite its threats, has not yet attacked us. There are still five hours left. There is also tonight and tomorrow and the next day and the day after.

It’s a crazy world. Israel was attacked ten moths ago and somehow or other the world blames us. We’re expected to supply humanitarian aid to the very people trying to decimate us. Even though the percentage of civilian casualties in Gaza are lower than in any other war, we are accused of genocide. Today Iran rejected calls from the western world to stand down their threat to Israel. It’s a scary world.   

Yesterday I made sure our radio, flashlight, and water bottles were in place in our bomb shelter. I added tissues, pillows, food and ChapStick. Will we need them? I pray we won’t.

Meanwhile, I refuse to give into psychological warfare. I have plans for the next five hours, tomorrow, the day after, and the following week. It’s all in HaShem’s hands. Although I don’t know what will happen to me personally, I know He has not abandoned the Jewish people in the last 2000 years. He will not abandon us now. Am Yisroel Chai. The Jewish People Live.

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