Laid low with fever this week I had
little energy for most of my normal homebound activities. At one point I found
myself sitting in front of the computer screen and scrolling up Facebook. Not a
strong fan of that internet site, I only became a friend when my
daughter-in-law signed me up several years ago. Her motivation was so I could
enjoy the grandchildren’s pictures posted there. Over the past few years
though, those pictures have gotten lost among all the photos of people’s pets,
vacations, and meals. Mixed in with all the photographs are the articles, some
from professional sources and others from amateur bloggers like myself.
My interest in news usually focuses on
what is happening in or near or concerning my country. Facebook seems to
transcend borders and for a self-absorbed Israeli, like myself, that can be
refreshing. So while ill I clicked onto all sorts of interesting subjects from
the dangers of not vaccinating children to the words of former slave, Sojourner
Truth. And then I found a clip from Fox News with Judge Jeanine blasting
President Obama for a comment he made in his speech at the recent National
Prayer Breakfast.
It seems that two sentences in his
speech, Humanity has been grappling with these questions (referring to
religiously-sanctioned violence) throughout human history. And lest we
get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember
that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds
in the name of Christ, has upset a lot of people.
While I was growing up in America the Crusaders were glorified. Stories in my grammar school readers taught that knights in white armor did all sorts of wonderful things like rescue fair maidens, slay dragons, and march off to crusades. After watching Walt Disney’s Robin Hood I believed that everything that was wrong in Merry Old England became right once Richard the Lion-Heart came back from the Crusades and replaced the evil King John.
And so I wrote in my blog on January
15th, Just as
the Christian crusaders once cried “Death to the Infidels!” as they murdered
both Muslims and Jews now the militant Muslims cry “Allah Akbar!” as they
murder Christians and, again, Jews.
I’m sure that President Obama never read
my article, It Might Not Be Politically Correct. He was able to draw the
parallel between the Christian Crusades and Muslim terror all on his own. And,
murder, no matter who commits it or when, is something that needs to be
condemned. I wish the whole world would understand that.
Yes, the murder of innocents should be condemned. However, by comparing the Christian Crusades to the barbaric acts of Isis, Obama seemed to be justifying the barbarianism of Islamic extremism. That's what people are upset about. I wouldn't align myself too closely with Obama's comments as all of America got a quick history lesson on how sophomoric his comments were since the crusades were in response to prior Islamic conquests.
Although I don't hear or read too many of his comments I've heard enough to be amazed how he'll do anything to refrain from labeling any terror as Islamic. Very frightening....
The question is: who is the real threat now? Not Crusaders.
So true, RAM
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