Thursday, February 29, 2024

And Another Terror Attack


I’m angry, No, I’m furious. There was just a terror attack at the gas station between Shilo and Eli. It’s so close I can walk there, if I want. My husband gassed up there a couple of hours ago. My son-part of the first response team-is there right now.

Two Israelis are murdered, according to the news a man in his thirties and a teenage girl. Two innocent people gassing up their car or buying something at the convenience store or fast-food place.

And the world wants us to reward these murderers with a Palestinian state? I beg each and every one of you to demand from your congressmen that they take that idea off the table unless they want the annihilation of Israel.  As for a ceasefire, inform them there is nothing to talk about until all the hostages, both dead and alive, are released and Hamas pledges itself to stop firing rockets at us and recognize our right to exist.

Do it for yourselves, not for me. If Israel is destroyed no Jew’s life will be safe.

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