Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Most Painful Day Since the War Broke Out


How apt this headline.

This morning I was blissfully ignorant of our tragedy until my daughter called about eight. We comforted each other as best we could, with me reminding her of our friends who had suffered the worst tragedy imaginable. Losing a child to terror.  And yet, those friends continue to stay strong in their faith.

Later, I found some more comfort when looking over this week’s Torah portion.  I read how the Jewish people complained about the lack of water in Marah and three verses later they arrived at Elim with its twelve springs of water and seventy date palms. Then in the Wilderness of Sin they ran out of food and shortly thereafter HaShem gave them the manna.

In other words, we have no way of understanding HaShem’s plan. We have no idea what good is waiting for us in the near or far future.

By the time the tragedy was announced, all the families had been notified. Therefore, I knew my loved ones were not among the fallen. Would I know any of the dead? Throughout the morning I tensed up every time the phone rang. Now, at the end of the day, it seems that I have no personal connection with any of the deceased. Still my life has been touched. I know there are more orphans, more widows, more bereaved parents. More tears. So many tears. When will it end?

Please HaShem! Let us see the good. Let it be in the near, not far future.

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