Thursday, November 12, 2020

Not a Coincidence


This week holds three special dates, the secular anniversary of the Kristallnacht, American Veterans Day, and, on a personal note, my father’s 13th yahrzeit*.

 I find that very meaningful. Although my father had already escaped Nazi Germany before November 9th, 1938, the night of Broken Glass, the organized pogrom across Germany, it had a profound impact on him. Just as impactful was serving in the United States Army as a Ritchie Boy. His experiences helped shape my life.

Recently, while doing research for another book, I learned that during World War Two, Jewish soldiers serving in Europe were offered the option to have the H (Hebrew) removed from their dog tags, in case they were captured by the Nazis. Intrigued by this discovery I searched out my father’s metal disk. The H was still there, as strong as when it was originally stamped upon his label. How I wish I could have asked my father what made him decide to keep the H. I can only imagine what his thought process was.

I’m proud of that H and I’m proud of my father. His family, friends, and community all knew what an impact his childhood in Germany and later going back there as a conquering soldier had on his life. He taught me to know who I am and where I came from. He taught me to serve others with honor. He taught me to try to be a good person and proud Jew. His memory is indeed a blessing.   

*anniversary of a death

My novel, Growing With My Cousin, a good winter read, is available at Jewish bookstores and on line at or or or from my home.



Batya said...

Hamakom yinachem.
Very special having him in the neighborhood.

Ester said...

Thank you, it was also when your father was here.